Recognize 100% of your website visitors with LeadRebel® and ActiveCampaign®

Are you using ActiveCampaign for your email campaigns? Combination of LeadRebel and ActiveCampaign helps you to recognize 100% of companies and persons who visited your website through your mailing campaigns. Skyrocket your email campaign efficiency!

Why Combining ActiveCampaign with LeadRebel?

Recognize 100% of companies and persons who click your emails
Gain valuable information about every click and web visit
Enrich your prospect with detailed company data and import back to ActiveCampaign or your CRM
Optimize your campaigns based on user behaviour and improve drastically your conversion rates!

How it works?

Signup for LeadRebel via ActiveCampaign (or use other method and link both software later)
Make minor adjustments in your ActiveCampaigns account, so that LeadRebel can track results
Watch magic happen! ;)
(Spoiler: company and person behind each click, valuable data, user-behavior-insights

Benefits for Your Email Campaigns
...and your business

Identify Persons behind Website Clicks
Increase Conversion Rate
Increase ROI
Enrich Lead Data

Customer Voices

David Wagner

"Excellent tool for B2B lead tracking on your own website. We use LeadRebel for our customers and access a lot via the API interface. The support is always flawless and really fast!

The data sets are very complete and LeadRebel also recognizes smaller companies very reliably. As an SME active in online marketing, I would definitely rely on LeadRebel."

David Wagner
Malte Vietense

"Clean identification and assignment of website visitors. On the one hand, recognized visitors can be "further processed" in the tool itself, and on the other hand, they can be transferred directly to the corresponding CRM.

The support is really fast and the feedback is really heard. Absolutely useful for sales."

Malte Vietense
Rudi Duhatschek

"LeadRebel is ideal for SMEs for lead generation because CRM and Hub Spot are integrated and there are innovations such as AI integration"

Rudi Duhatschek
Joerg Wetter

"I am very satisfied, good advice and support so far and the results are as promised"

Joerg Wetter